Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pirate Party Gift Bags

I've been having so much fun crafting and making stuff for this party! I worked on the gift bags for a few days and they ended up costing me about $0.87 a piece. All of the photos are at the bottom of the page because I am posting from the blogger app from my phone and I don't think I can post them as I go.

I started with the treasure maps, which I shared in my last post. I just love how they turned out!

Then I decided to make telescopes, because Dax has been asking me for one for months. I started with empty wrapping paper rolls and cut them down to be similar in size. Then I wrapped them in back paper and put a piece of yellow ("gold") around the tip. I quickly cut out some skull shapes from white computer paper and drew faces on them. I immediately gave Dax one to play with and he shredded the paper off of it in minutes, so I ended up going back and modpodging them all to seal them in hopes that they would last longer.

Next came the felt mustaches and eye patches. I had some black felt laying around, so I drew up a quick mustache shape and then cut them freehand. They got sloppier and sloppier as I went on, so I went back and traced a few of my faves to make them more constant. With the extra felt, I decided to cut out eyepatch shapes (which I'll get to in a minute). When all of the staches were cut, I found some wooden dowels that we're pretty long and decided to cut them in half, sand the rough edge and paint them black. I used the hot glut gun to attach them and voila!

The eye patches were by far the quickest, but it took me a while to decide what to use as the elastic. I searched through all of my craft supplies and up and down the craft isle at Walmart and couldn't come up with anything, so I put it aside. The next day I was collecting stuff for my birth supply kit and came across an elastic headband and thought it would be perfect, so I headed out and grabbed a small pack of them. I used friendship bracelet string that I have and a big needle to sew the felt onto them with a few stitches. I didn't have much string, so I decided to do blue for boys and pink for girls.

It took me a while to decide o
How to make the pirate hats, but they ended up coming together well. I made a stencil of the shape and cut a front and back for each hat. I painted around the edges, used pink and blue puff paint to add skulls to the front and each child's name on the back, then glued the sides together and stuck a fetcher in them. I've considered modpodging them as well, but modpodge tends to stick to itself and I was afraid they would stick to the telescopes in the bag and one of them wouldn't make it until the party.

Originally I had planned on brown bags, but the blue bags were on clearance at target for $2.76 for 6 bags, so I went with those and stuffed them with red tissue that I had at home.

I felt like they still needed something, so I added little sacks of coins that I had purchased for one of the activities for the party. The pink coins I had laying around from another project a few years ago and thought they'd be a nice touch for the girls bags. I also added a few sets of stickers that i cut from a pack of 300 pirate stickers that i bought at the dollar store for another project for this party. So those 2 items prices are distributed into other parts of this party and will be tallied later.

The last thing I did was glue together some name tags that I drew up and then they were complete!

Amount spent on gift bags: $5.23
Remaining party budget: $68.77

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